Methiodone CN Export – Wholesale

200 - 5000

Methiodone: A Solution for Pain Management

Methiodone, known for its effective pain relief properties, offers a new hope for individuals seeking an alternative to traditional opioids. Its unique chemical structure enables long-lasting analgesic effects, making it a suitable option for managing moderate to severe pain. Methiodone’s action on the central nervous system provides not only pain relief but also a reduction in opioid craving for those in addiction treatment programs, representing a dual-purpose therapeutic benefit.

Explore Methiodone’s potential and discover a path to improved well-being and quality of life.

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Methiodone Hydrochloride (IC-26 or WIN 1161-3), is a synthetic opioid used primarily for pain management and as a maintenance therapy for opioid dependence. Developed in Germany in the late 1930s, it has been a critical component of addiction treatment programs worldwide, offering a solution for managing chronic pain and reducing the harms associated with opioid addiction.

Chemical Properties

Methiodone is a racemic mixture with a chemical formula of C21H27NO·HCl. It exhibits a high oral bioavailability and crosses the blood-brain barrier effectively. As a hydrochloride salt, it is soluble in water, making it suitable for various formulations, including oral and injectable forms.

Mecanismo de acción

Methiodone acts by binding to the μ-opioid receptor in the brain, mimicking the effects of endogenous opiates. It modulates the perception of pain and emotional response to pain, providing analgesic and sedative effects. Additionally, Methiodone inhibits the reuptake of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and serotonin, enhancing its analgesic properties. Its activity at the NMDA receptor may also contribute to its effectiveness in treating neuropathic pain and reducing tolerance to opioids.

Therapeutic Uses

  • Pain Management: Methiodone is effective in treating moderate to severe pain, especially in cases where other opioids are ineffective or when patients have developed tolerance.
  • Opioid Dependency Treatment: It is used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction, helping reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings in individuals dependent on opioids.

Posología y administración

The dosage of Methiodone varies based on its use. For pain management, it is administered in divided doses every 8 to 12 hours. In MAT, dosing is typically once daily, with the amount adjusted based on patient response and the goal of treatment. Close monitoring is essential to avoid overdose, given Methiodone’s long half-life and variable metabolism among individuals.

Side Effects and Safety

Common side effects include drowsiness, nausea, constipation, and sweating. Serious risks involve respiratory depression, QT interval prolongation, and potential for misuse and addiction. Methiodone should be used cautiously in patients with respiratory disorders, cardiac conditions, and those taking medications that affect cardiac conduction.

Reducción de daños

Harm reduction strategies focus on ensuring safe use, such as starting with low doses and gradually adjusting, monitoring for signs of overdose or withdrawal, and providing education on the risks associated with Methiodone. In the context of opioid dependency treatment, supporting services such as counseling and social support are crucial components of a comprehensive treatment plan.


Methiodone remains a valuable tool in pain management and the treatment of opioid dependence. Its unique pharmacological profile necessitates careful, informed use under professional supervision to maximize benefits while minimizing risks. Ongoing research and clinical practice continue to refine its application, ensuring it serves as an effective component of pain and addiction management strategies.

Por qué comprar Methiodone CN Export – Wholesale de RECHEMCO?

  • ★ Contamos con una larga trayectoria comercial en el mercado para que usted se beneficie de nuestra experiencia.
  • ★ Methiodone CN Export – Wholesale fue probado y verificado.
  • ★ Puedes comprar Methiodone CN Export – Wholesale utilizando Bitcoin, Monero y transferencia bancaria.

Qué recibirá al comprar Methiodone CN Export – Wholesale de RECHEMCO?

  • • One sealed aluminum foil bag containing highest grade 4-ethylsulfonyl-N,N-dimethyl-4,4-diphenylbutan-2-amine opioid research chemical
  • - Polvo
  • - 99% Pureza


  • ✓ EXCLUSIVA - selección única de productos
  • ✓ FÁCIL - En cualquier momento, desde cualquier lugar
  • ✓ BAJO COSTE - incluso para pequeñas cantidades

5 g, 10 g, 25 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 500 g

1 valoración en Methiodone CN Export – Wholesale

  1. Michel Lahor (propietario verificado) -

    Very good, fast shipping ,safe vacuum pakking and the product is very pure and high quality!
    Legit Vendor !!!

    • Rechemco -

      Thank you for your positive feedback on the product. We are glad to hear that you are satisfied with the fast shipping, secure packaging, and the high quality of the Methiodone product provided by CN Export – Wholesale. It is important to note that Methiodone is a powerful pain relief option with unique properties that make it suitable for managing moderate to severe pain. Its ability to provide long-lasting analgesic effects and reduce opioid cravings for individuals in addiction treatment programs makes it a promising solution for pain management with dual-purpose therapeutic benefits. We appreciate your trust in CN Export – Wholesale and hope that the Methiodone continues to contribute to your improved well-being and quality of life. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.

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