Cychlorphine HCl EU

13 - 182

Cychlorphine, a powerful benzimidazolone derivative, offers unprecedented efficacy as an opioid analgesic. This synthetic compound, with a molecular formula of C23H25ClN4O, stands out for its enhanced potency—about four times stronger than fentanyl.

It acts primarily on the mu-opioid receptors, delivering potent pain relief and a sense of euphoria. Designed for research use, Cychlorphine paves the way for new analgesic developments.

Para un facilitar la investigación este producto también está disponible como e-Jugo:

Plazo medio de entrega: 10 días laborables.

Todos los productos de EU Retail sólo pueden enviarse a países de la UE.
Todas las drogas de diseño vendidas en este sitio web están destinadas a la investigación y a aplicaciones forenses.


Cychlorphine is an advanced synthetic opioid analgesic characterized by its unique chemical structure, C23H25ClN4O, and a molecular weight of 408.93. This compound, a benzimidazolone derivative, is noted for its significant potency, being approximately four times stronger than fentanyl. The distinctiveness of Cychlorphine lies in its N(3)-cyanoethyl modification within the benzimidazolone series, which enhances mu-opioid receptor (MOR) activity beyond typical opioid analogs.

Pharmacodynamics and Effects: Cychlorphine exerts its effects by binding to and activating the mu-opioid receptors located in the brain, spinal cord, and other tissues, leading to pronounced analgesic effects, euphoria, and sedation. Its receptor affinity contributes to its high potency and effectiveness as an analgesic.

Posología y administración: Due to its high potency, Cychlorphine should be administered with caution. Dosage should start at microgram levels, with careful titration according to response and tolerance. Healthcare professionals should ensure precision in dosing to avoid overdose.

Efectos secundarios: Common side effects include but are not limited to nausea, vomiting, constipation, and drowsiness. Severe side effects might include respiratory depression, profound sedation, and hypotension. Due to its potency, there is a significant risk of addiction and dependence.

Harm Reduction: To mitigate risks, Cychlorphine should be used strictly in controlled settings with appropriate monitoring. Naloxone should be available as an antidote for opioid overdose. Users should be educated on the signs of overdose and the importance of adhering to prescribed dosages.

Regulatory Status: Currently, Cychlorphine is classified under research substances and is not approved for medical use outside of research settings. It is crucial for research and handling to adhere to legal and safety regulations to prevent misuse.

This description is a concise summary and does not delve into all complexities or potential applications of Cychlorphine. For a detailed exploration, further reading and consultation with specialized literature and experts are recommended.

Why Buy Cychlorphine from RECHEMCO?

  • ★ Contamos con una larga trayectoria comercial en el mercado para que usted se beneficie de nuestra experiencia.
  • Cychlorphine fue probado y verificado.
  • ★ Puedes comprar Cychlorphine mediante Bitcoin, Monero, otras criptomonedas y transferencia bancaria (sólo para clientes de confianza).

Qué recibirá al comprar Cychlorphine de RECHEMCO?

  • One sealed aluminum foil bag containing highest grade Cychlorphine opioid research chemical
  • Greysh Powder
  • 99% Pureza


  • ✓ EXCLUSIVA - selección única de productos
  • ✓ FÁCIL - En cualquier momento, desde cualquier lugar
  • ✓ BAJO COSTE - incluso para pequeñas cantidades

Puro, Mezclado 1:3 con Inositol, Mezclado 1:10 con Inositol


50mg, 100mg, 250mg, 500mg, 1g, 5g, 10g

3 valoraciones en Cychlorphine HCl EU

  1. Patrick (propietario verificado) -

    I got some of the 1:3 cychlorphine.
    This stuff is a life safer, but it’s very potent so be cautios.
    This stuff safed my life.

    • Rechemco -

      Thank you for sharing your experience with Cychlorphine. It’s great to hear that it has been helpful for you. As you mentioned, Cychlorphine is a potent opioid analgesic known for its exceptional efficacy. However, it is crucial to exercise caution due to its high potency. It’s always recommended to follow the prescribed dosage and consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.

      It’s important to note that Cychlorphine is primarily designed for research purposes, and its availability as e-Juice is intended to facilitate research in a more convenient manner. As mentioned in the previous conversation, the products from EU Retail can only be shipped to EU countries.

      If you have any further questions or concerns, it’s advisable to reach out to a medical professional or the relevant authorities for accurate information and guidance. Your safety and well-being are of utmost importance.

  2. XY (propietario verificado) -

    Best stuff ever.
    In my opinion the 1:3 mix should be the best bcs of the potency.
    Be careful guys.

    • Rechemco -

      Thank you for sharing your opinion, XY. It’s important to note that the potency of Cychlorphine HCl is indeed significantly stronger than fentanyl. However, it’s crucial to approach the use of any opioid analgesic with caution and under proper medical supervision. While the 1:3 mix you mentioned may seem appealing due to the potency, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and abide by recommended dosage guidelines.

      As mentioned in the previous comments, Cychlorphine is primarily intended for research purposes and its availability as e-Juice should be considered under the same context. It’s important to adhere to the guidelines and regulations set by the website selling the product. Additionally, it’s recommended to consult with healthcare professionals or researchers for a better understanding of its effects and potential risks.

      Ultimately, responsible use and awareness of the potential risks associated with opioid analgesics are crucial. Stay informed, prioritize safety, and consult with professionals to ensure the best possible outcomes.

  3. OP (propietario verificado) -

    no he experimentado del todo bien todavia pero me ha dado una muy buena primera impresión, bastante recomendable y potente incluso a 1:10, por ello hay que tener cuidado.
    Muchas graciass! Ademas me pusieron algo de regalo y se agradece el detalle<3.

    • Rechemco -

      Thank you for sharing your experience with Cychlorphine. It’s great to hear that you had a positive first impression and found it to be potent even at a 1:10 ratio. It’s important to exercise caution when using such substances, as their potency can lead to unintended effects if not used responsibly.

      Additionally, it’s nice to hear that the company included a little extra as a gift. Those small gestures can go a long way in creating a positive customer experience. If you have any further updates or insights on your experience with Cychlorphine, we would love to hear them.

      Please remember to always prioritize your safety and well-being when experimenting with new substances.

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